Admin, Finance, Marketing, Media – Rachna has taken up all that and has had a sterling record, playing each avatar she donned, in MNC companies of repute from the age of nineteen. And then, she gave it all up to pursue her calling as an artist, designer and creator - to follow the call of her inner self. She found herself head over heels in love with being an entrepreneur and its spirit of being free.

In 2007, the Malkanis introduced a unique concept: the UAE's first genuine leather manufacturing facility with the dream of bringing top quality leather goods from the region. Local entrepreneurs flocked to Leather Crafts to produce their brand.

Having found her calling, taking inspiration from the land while wanting to show Dubai's pedigree as a leader on the world fashion stage, the Malkanis arrived at the perfect brand name: Native. And Rachna took over the role of Creative Director.

Personal Note from Rachna Malkani - 

Little did I know what Life has in store for me 🙆‍♀️
The only thing I have always known is the power of awareness, self work and consistent learning. ✍️🔑
I have been working on self growth for the last 20 years. Having been through experiences, I once never thought I could rise above, at least not sanely 💁‍♀️
After having dealt with Depression, Anxiety, Guilt, one broken engagement, one failed Marriage, a Messy Divorce and child custody battles, while having grown up and dealing with a completely dysfunctional family 💔
It was a lonely path coz when you choose are a rebel for the world and the black sheep for the family 🚶‍♀️🧎‍♂️🚶‍♀️
When I successfully built the life I believed I deserved, with the Man of my life , my backbone, my husband, I believed I had made it and had it all, But Life had other plans yet for me, my son was diagnosed with Autism. 💔, it threw me off in ways I had never imagined I could feel like.🙇‍♀️
But I not only survived and learnt to support my son, I also learnt so much through this journey with him and came out enriched with learnings, every experience taught me 😇🙏
I worked with one belief in my Mind, my intent to seek and persevere to keep showing Up with awareness and understanding, an open heart ready to embrace it all without becoming bitter or a Victim😏
To learn ways to seek self knowledge, I dove deeper into the depths of myself and found ways through strategic learning and decoding the mysteries of Mind and how it effects our external Lives 🧬🧠🧩🔑
How our Mental frame gangs up 🙅‍♀️ through Subconscious Mind to design our outer reality, literally. 💯
I studied , took coaching and did all I could get my hands on while playing my other roles of life committed to it all 👀
Got certified in Life Coaching and all aspects that enhance Coaching with added skills.

Have been dedicated to Yoga and Meditation for the last 8 years 🧘‍♀️
And Now I can say it with the utmost conviction that Self Empowerment is the Ultimate Goal of our lives to Live a life of Wholeness.